Love should be a verb, not just a noun.  Being in love with someone is an incredible feeling, but unfortunately, with time the newness begins to wear off.  Unless you actively put an effort into keeping the spark alive in your relationship, you risk getting too comfortable and taking the love of your life for granted.  You have finally found a wonderful woman who makes you very happy, and you should work hard to make sure she always knows exactly how you feel about her.

The common complaint women have about their significant others is the fact that they feel under appreciated.  Is this because their boyfriends and husbands don’t care about them?  Of course not.  Men simply have a different way of expressing their feelings.  Women are more communicative and romantically demonstrative of their affection, while men feel that their actions should make it obvious how much they care.  For example, you work to provide for your wife every day.  You pay the bills and give her money to buy nice things.  She should understand that you love her, right?  Wrong!  In order for a woman to feel properly cherished, she needs a little more from you.  There are several small things that you can do each and every day that will make it impossible for her to doubt your love.

Start Her Day Off Right

Before either you or your mate head off for work in the morning, take a moment to acknowledge her and say something nice.  A little goes a long way.  Everyone wants to hear something encouraging every once in awhile.  If the two of you get ready at the same time, look over at her while she is taking a shower and say, “Your body is amazing.  If we didn’t have to get to work…”  Don’t forget to flirt with your partner.  Remember when you were new at love?  You used to flirt with each other all the time!  There is no reason why that cannot continue.

If you leave before she does, lean over her while she is sleeping and kiss her forehead.  Wake her gently for just a few seconds and tell her that you’ll miss her while you are gone.  Tell her you’ll be thinking of her.  If she usually leaves for work before you, make a point to wake up for a few minutes to tell her to have a great day.  When you do something early in the day, it sets the tone for later on in the evening.  Leave something sweet on her mind, and you will be the only thing she thinks about while she’s on the job!

Keep Her Guessing

Things only get boring when they become predictable.  As soon as your partner starts to think that she can accurately guess your every move when it comes to the romance department, she begins to long for more.  It’s your job to keep her guessing at all times.  Have you ever heard your girlfriend or wife tell someone, “Oh, him?  No, he never sends flowers!”?  If you have, that means that it is time to send her a bouquet!

Every once in awhile, take her to a restaurant she never would imagine that you would choose.  Indulge her, and escort her to a movie that she knows you would never decide to see on your own.  Start surprising her with unexpected compliments given “just because”, and impress her with your spontaneity.  It won’t take long before she begins to notice the extra effort that you’re putting forth, and she will be tremendously grateful.

Ensure that time does what it is supposed to for your relationship – build history and make your bond stronger, not wear away at the love you once had.  Increase your consideration of your partner’s need for a little bit of romance in her life, and both of you will reap the benefits!

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